Applied Linear Algebra

Undergraduate course, Sistan Institute of Mathematics, 2022

This is a description of a teaching experience in Linear Algebra!

Applied Linear Algebra

Part 1- Linear Algebra
Part 2- Matrix Analysis Part 3- Numerical Linear Algebra

Basics of Linear Algebra

  • Linear Equation
  • Vectors & Matrix
  • Linear Independence, Span, and Bases
  • Linear Transformations
  • Determinants
  • Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
  • Inner Product Spaces
  • Orthogonal Projection
  • Least Squares
  • Singular Value Decomposition

Matrix Computation

  • Matrix multiplication
  • Matrix decomposition

Linear Algebra in Python

  • Vectors & Matrix in Python
  • Matrix and vector products
  • Matrix Decompositions
  • Matrix eigenvalues
  • Norms and other numbers
  • Solving equations and inverting matrices

Numerical Linear Algebra

  • Matrix Computation
  • Matrix Decompositions
  • Algorithms
  • Conditioning and stability
  • Iterative methods